Today I bought a few tickets for upcoming gigs - Passion Pit and Camera Obscura, and just had a bimble around town looking for ideas and inspiration. Stayed massively away from Cabot Circus, instead taking my best friend and ex-Bristolian Amelia to cafe kino - a really lovely vegan, not-for-profit co-operative who simply want to be "open, fair and mutually supportive" of everyone involved in any aspect of their business.

We bought falafel and I had a warming, but strange, slightly spicy herbal tea. It was lovely to sit at the window listening to the jazz and looking at the autumn leaves blowing in the wind, hands around a hot cup, and look out at the first chilly pinches of winter.
It seems to have come around so quickly this time, but there's something exciting about seeing the seasons change, and everyone pile on a few more layers as we inevitably head towards Christmas!
Amelia and I then headed over the road to The Magpie - a collective of artists and self-described 'dossers' who live and work together, always adding fresh bits of graf or sculpture to the already vibrant Stokes Croft. They have a yard sale (that sounds so American, but that was exactly what it was) every so often, selling wonderful bits of treasure and tat for tiny prices - I bought an amazing long white cardi with brown, turquoise, black and red diamond pattern (pics soon, I promise) and Amelia bought a cute woolly hat for a quid! We chatted to the guys for a while, until one guy got funny about why we wanted to know so much. Bit of a shame, as we were just curious. There's always something going on there, well worth checking out as you pass by.

Then Amelia had to get her coach home, so we left our Bristol explorations for another day. Loads more to come, stay tuned!
xx pop
(P.S . Boring bit - The above photos were not taken by me, I'm not claiming to have any rights over them, merely wished to illustrate a post with images found on google. Like I say, my own cam-cam is on it's way, then copyright all the way!)
Cool Graffiti/Mural .. love it!